Product Overview
La Dama del Señor (Spanish Edition)
Convertirse en la Dama del Señor significa encontrarte a ti misma en Dios y descubrir su propósito para tu vida. Para poder lograrlo, necesitas ser sanada de heridas del pasado, hacer cambios en tu manera de vivir el presente y seguir su voluntad en el futuro.
From the Author
Church culture is the key to reaching a new generation. But many pastors and leaders don't know where to start. That's why I wrote this book. I love the Apostolic message, but our methods need to adapt in order to reach Millennials and Generation Z. We need to pray, but we also need to plan and optimize our ministries for greater growth. In Growing Young I propose seven cultural shifts to reach the new generation and save our future. If you love the Apostolic church and hunger for revival in the younger generation, then you must add this book to your library.